How Rakam works
We support Google Analytics 360 Suite Warehouse with the most common integrations
such as Adwords, Facebook Ads, Stripe, etc.
Connect your Google Analytics 360 Suite and turn Rakam into a product &
marketing analytics tool.
We provide features such as funnel and retention so that you can analyze the event data with Rakam easily.
You can analyze the raw event data via segmentation feature and see the big picture in your company.
Join the product data with marketing data and see how your marketing affects the customer retention.
We model the data collected by various solutions, you can start using recipes and customize them for your use-case later on. You can see the source of the models from here: Analytics 360 Suite
The Users resource is the primary way of interacting with Intercom. You can create, update and delete your users, and add custom attributes describing them. Users can be viewed individually or as a list, and can queried using tags or Google Analytics 360 Suites. For more info, check out the [Intercom docs](
count all rows count unique users sum of custom active project id sum of custom clearbit company indexed at sum of custom clearbit enriched at sum of custom clearbit person indexed at sum of custom stripe account balance sum of custom stripe card expires at sum of custom stripe last charge amount sum of custom stripe last charge at sum of custom stripe plan price sum of custom stripe subscription period start at sum of custom user id sum of location latitude sum of location longitude sum of session countDimensions
avatar image url created at email Intercom Id last request at last seen ip location city name location continent code location country code location country name location postal code location region name pseudonym remote created at Google Analytics 360 Suites signed up at unsubscribed from emails updated at user agent data user id uuid tsAdmins are how you can view your teams and team members. For more info, check out the [Intercom docs](
email id name received at type uuid tsConversation are how you can communicate with users in Intercom. For more info, check out the [Intercom docs](
count unique users read total conversationsDimensions
open assignee id assignee type created at id message author id message author type message body message subject parts read received at updated at user id uuid tsA Google Analytics 360 Suite is a group of your users defined by rules that you set For more info, check out the [Intercom docs]( Analytics 360 Suites)
created at id name person type received at updated at uuid tsA conversation part describes an element of the conversation. For more info, check out the [Intercom docs](
count all rowsDimensions
assigned to id assigned to type author id author type body conversation id created at id notified at part type received at updated at uuid tsCompanies allow you to represent commercial organizations using your product. For more info, check out the [Intercom docs](
all companies all users monthly spend session countDimensions
company id created at id last request at name remote created at Google Analytics 360 Suites updated at uuid tsLeads (previously known as Contacts) are useful for representing logged-out users of your application For more info, check out the Intercom docs
count all rows count unique users sum of location latitude sum of location longitude sum of session countDimensions
avatar image url created at id custom job title email id last request at last seen ip location city name location continent code location country code location country name location postal code location region name location timezone name received at unsubscribed from emails updated at user agent data user id uuid tsA tag allows you to label your users and companies and list them using that tag. For more info, check out the Intercom docs
id name received at uuid tsSocial data about the user. For more info, check out the [Intercom docs](
contact id id name received at url user id username uuid tsDASHBOARDS
Facebook Ads
- Average Frequency
- Total Impressions
- Total Spend
- Total Clicks
- Total Reach
- Click Through Rate
account id configured status effective status end time is active nameJoin Relations
facebook ad accounts. is equal to column facebook campaigns. is equal to column
click through rate clicks frequencyimpressionslink clickspost engagementsreachsocial spendtotal spendDimensions
ad group name ad name campaign name dateJoin Relations
facebook ad accounts. is equal to column facebook ad sets.adset_id is equal to id column facebook ads.ad_id is equal to id column facebook campaigns. is equal to columnMeasures
balance spend capDimensions
buying type date effective status is active nameDimensions
bid type is active name statusJoin Relations
facebook ad accounts. is equal to column facebook ad sets.adset_id is equal to id column facebook campaigns. is equal to columnDASHBOARDS
Google Adwords
- Total Spend
- Total Clicks
- Interactions
- Average Time On Site
- Funnel
- Average Bounce Rate
- Engagements
- Campaign Performance
adwords customer id end date name serving status start date status
average bounce rate average time on site average video view rate budget click assisted conversions clicksconversion value conversionscost engagements gmail forwards gmail saves gmail secondary clicks impressions interactions invalid clicks total video views video quartile 100 rate video quartile 50 ratevideo view rate viewabilityDimensions
account currency code account descriptive name ad group name ad name campaign name date interaction typesJoin Relations
adwords ads. is equal to columnDimensions
adwords customer id name statusJoin Relations
adwords campaigns. is equal to columnIncludes stats at the click level, including both valid and invalid clicks.
page shownDimensions
ad format ad network type 1 ad network type 2 aoi most specific target id campaign id click type creative id criteria parameters date device gcl id id page slotJoin Relations
adwords ad groups. is equal to column adwords campaigns. is equal to columnMeasures
total adsDimensions
adwords customer id final urls is active original id status typeJoin Relations
adwords ad groups. is equal to columnIncludes a daily snapshot of performance statistics per campaign.
average bounce rate average time on site average video view rate budget click assisted conversions clicks conversion value conversions cost engagements gmail forwards gmail saves gmail secondary clicks impressions interactions invalid clicks total video views video quartile 100 rate video quartile 50 rate video view rate viewabilityDimensions
advertising channel sub type base campaign id campaign status campaign trial type date campaign trial typeinteraction types
adwords campaigns. is equal to column base adwords campaign. is equal to columnDASHBOARDS
Website Overview
- Totals
- Total Pageviews
- Daily Pageviews
- Daily Sessions
Users Overview
- Total Users
- New Users (This week)
- Active Users (This week)
- Inactive Users who signed up this week
- Daily active users this month
Events Overview
- Daily Events
- Top Events
- Metrics
- Weekly Events
Website session information for the pageview event
Average Duration Average Session Per User Bounce Rate New Sessions Pages Per Session Returning Sessions Total Sessions Distinct UsersDimensions
duration in s duration in s tier first page url first page url path first referrer last path last search last url page views session end timestamp session id session number session start timestampCustomizable for your use-case
We have created the models for Google Analytics 360 Suite so that you can start using Rakam without any friction. You can copy the predefined models and create your own models depending on your use-case.
See Demo