Who is Rakam built for?
Data Analysts & Engineers
Use Rakam to save time on repetitive tasks such as writing SQL queries for different teams in your organization. You can model the data for once and enable your non-technical teams to get insights from their data by themselves using the UI.
Product & Marketing Teams
Track and compare all your marketing spent across different channels, deep dive into user behavior with Funnel and Retention reports, explore all user journey and company data in one platform without needing technical teams' help.
Managers & C-leves
Track down important business KPIs and metrics through Dashboards which can be prepared by your teams. Assign specific permissions, tasks and reports to different teams/users so they can focus on what matters. Transform your organization into data-driven culture.
Model your data once and for all
rakam has a web editor that lets you define your data models and metrics semantically as code using SQL.
If you’re using dbt, an open-source data transformation tool, you can connect rakam to your dbt project
and let rakam automatically create datasets from your dbt models, sources and seeds to enable your end-users to explore the data.

Start Analyzing your data using ad-hoc features
Using rakam's built-in features, your teams can ask difficult questions with ease and draw powerful real-time insights from your data warehouse with trust. rakam removes the SQL and technical barrier to work with data.
Create behaviorial segmentation based on any combination of user actions or attributes. Calculate complex metrics like LTV, ARPU easily.

Analyze user behavior step by step to find out where and why your users converted or dropped off.

Find out what drives retention by breaking down users by their actions or attibutes such as signup date, device type or location etc. Create behavioral cohorts to track down the features and campaigns that most engage and retain users.

Visualize the complete user journey in a Sankey chart and discover the common paths people take on your product.

Create custom queries and reports with the flexibility of SQL and later visualize them with rakam’s chart options.

Dashboards - for team's quick access.
rakam lets you create dashboards as code or using the drag & drop UI and collaborate with your teams by sharing dashboards as link, CSV or code.
Embed Analytics is here to power your App.
We offer Embed and white label Rakam to deliver an analytics experience
within your existing app for your teams or customers.